Sunday 6 March 2011


I arrived in London on Friday afternoon and met up with Tom and Luke. Took me and Tom about 30 mins to find Luke as the tool had got off at the wrong station! Once we all met up we go a taxi to the apartment in Mayfair which was pretty sweet, but we took a major bad beat when we walked in to find that the place only had two beds even though we asked for three! We decided to settle it like men for the rooms and we flipped for the rooms lol.. Obviously Luke runs like God as he gets KK first hand and gets master bedroom which leaves me and Tom to flip for the second bedroom... after 15 minutes of tense flips for best out of 3, Tom nails it sending me to the couch. We then flipped for day two and again Luke nailed it first time securing the master room AGAIN!! But this time.. I killed Tom straight away with 2 in a row for the bedroom for the Saturday!

Once we started to unpack.. Luke started looking for his laptop charger and realised he had forgotten it and me and Tom couldn’t stop laughing at him.. (clearly he runs good but plays bad ;) ). So we ended up getting a taxi into town to find him a charger and go grab some food.

After Luke had to spend around £30 for a shitty Chinese charger we went to pizza hut for some food. While eating, Luke went to the bathroom... which triggered my immature side... I grabbed the salt and pepper and nailed his coke with and Tom both giggled like little girls!... moments later Luke comes back and continues eating, he the reaches for the shitmix and begins to drink it.. at which point me and Tom BURST OUT LAUGHING.. Luke takes about 3 mouth fulls.. puts his glass down and says ‘What are you two laughing at?’ ... at this point I was crying laughing, I actually couldn’t breath.. at least 1 table spoon of salt and pepper and he didn’t even click on!! Unreal!!
 We then flipped at the end for the meal which Tom lost.. (Thank you Tom J ).
Later we headed over to the FoxPokerClub to take our seats for the tourney.. Luke and Tom found themselves on the same table and I ended on a random table full of fish. The tournament was a 20k starting stack blinds at 25/50.. by the end of level 3 a few fish had actually managed to donk off the whole 20k! Such a bad standard for a £300 buy in event. I started the tourney pretty card dead but picked up KJc in late position and pumped it up, SB called and utg limper called. Flop came J62 (rainbow).. both checked I bet ¾, both called. Turn 6, both check.. with there being no draws on the flop I go ahead and check here as im pretty sure one of them has improved on the turn. River card comes down a K (giving me top two). SB checks, 2nd guy bets pot (3k)... I take about 10 seconds before passing my top two... SB instant reraises to 8k putting a smile on my face.. guy calls show down was SB (K6), limper (a6). Hours into the day I found myself hovering around the 20-30k mark, never found a big hand and my stack only grew from picking spots. One funny hand I seen was blinds 50/100.. guy makes it 1,300 from utg... and  still gets two flat callers lmao!.. at show down it was KQ vs KQ.. so bad. Later in the day I found myself both tired and hungry but was still playing good poker. A pretty tight aggro guy makes it 1,600, (blinds 300/600), it folds round to me in the BB with KQ. I flat, flop Qd 7d 2c, I decide to go ahead and check raise here as I know the guy is pretty solid and im pretty sure he won’t play back at me if he has air. So I check, he makes it 2,900, I reraise to 6,100... he tanks... and moves all in for around 26k (at this stage my stack is just under 30k).. when he shoved I DID NOT see that coming. I end up getting a clocked called on me by a drunk Irish tool and at this stage im thinking he has either the nut flush draw and actually thinks im at it or.. he has the over pair.. I passed and the guy doesn’t show. Moments later he asks me what I had I tell him KQ.. he paused for a moment and said ‘I don’t believe u had a Q..’ which pretty much confirmed he had QQ as soon as he said that. I told him you had QQ and he smirked, nodded yes then minutes later he decided to play mind games by saying I made a bad fold as he had QJ.. after 4-5 hours playing with him I know he does not have QJ as every hand he pumped up with was a premium and wouldn’t jam his tourney life in with that shit.
With an hour remaining in the day, we are down to 3 tables for the day and I am moved onto table one with the biggest fish of the tourney (Luke and Tom).. I’m sat to the right of Tom. At this stage blinds are 400/800 and I have 22k. As we approach the last hand of the night (1min left on clock), it gets raised upto 2k (mid position) on my BB, folds round to Luke (cut off) who flat calls. Action on me and I look down at KK.. at this stage im tanking a little as im deciding whether to just move all in here to look weaker or to try and give the raiser enough rope to hang himself, I chose option two and make it 7k (at which point Tom cracks one of his sarcastic comments of ‘oh Arian it’s the last hand of the day, don’t blow up now)... action goes round to initial raiser who instant mucks, now Luke who all of a sudden asks me how much I have remaining... I show him my stack and I’m thinking ‘wtf if he doing??’ at which point he says he’s all in.. I replied ‘what? You’re all in? really?’ I call. Luke doesn’t look happy and asks if I have a pair and I just flip my Kings straight away and he turns 55. Dealer turns flop and window card comes 5...T...K... (everybody has gathered as it’s the last hand)... Luke for half a second took the lead but I regained it by nailing the set too... turn blank... river slams down the case 5 for quads... Everybody stood there in shock.. I was so shocked I just stood there and honestly didn’t know what to say. Probably the sickest beat I’ve ever had in my entire life.. and it came from my pal. I just calmly said ‘Nice Hand’ and walked off as day 1 came to a close. Honestly didn’t know what was going through Lukes head at this point when he made the 4 bet all in as if he lost he would have been left with only a couple of thousand. Moments later he came over and apologised in which I said life sucks at times. While Luke felt shit, Tom was just getting warmed up with getting in my grill.. if I wasn’t upset enough about getting 1 outtered, every 10 minutes all he kept saying was ‘so what’s your strategy for day 2?’ and ‘do you want to put a last longer bet on?’ .. well it’s a good job I was too tired to fully tilt like I usually do and didn’t end up slapping the back of his curley head lol!

Day 1 Late Night Chinese
After we left the Fox around 2am we were all dying from hunger and looked for a place to eat... only place we could find open was a Chinese.. we took our seats and when we were ordering Tom goes to the waiter ‘erm yes.. can I have the errr.. shit on toast please’ ... (he said it so normal the Chinese guy was like errrmmm prawn?.. I cried laughing again lol! What a guy! Anyway the food tasted like dog meat and we played credit card roulette for it which I lost!! As if getting killed in the tourney wasn’t bad enough, I had to then buy Lukes food too!!! ARGHHH lol!

Day 2
On Saturday, I woke up pretty depressed while Tom and Luke got ready for day 2. I slobbed around the apartment a bit and said id meet them down there later on. When I got down, Tom was on around 80k, Luke down to around 35k. I sat at the 1-2 cash game which was pretty shit and nitty.. however when Luke bust he joined me and during the tourney break so did Tom.. Tom sat minimum of £50 and I look down at 99, I make it a standard £7 and tom goes ahead and makes it £18... comes back to me and I ask if he has overs and if he wants to flip.. I know he has me beat for at this stage I was up around £180 so the thought of just busting him was enough I shoved he called.. I turned he didn’t... flop came and he went to muck.. holding his cards over the muck pile.. turn hit, river hit.. and he went to throw it in and then slammed KK over... (slowrolling C***.) lol. For that, I uploaded a video of his snoring on facebook which was pretty hilarious lol....Despite that we all left that table in profit which was standard.
DAY 2 – Masters
With me and Luke both bust we decided to head to Tesco to buy some drink and food.. We decided on steak and wedges along with corona and rum n’ coke. We played the masters like total idiots while drinking.. we both busted pretty early.. however we began to rail our good friend Carlo (Twister86). When Tom got back I turned into Jamie Oliver and cooked for the lads making an unreal meal ;)
We continued drinking, watching Carlo and playing online games for bets... Carlo was crushing it with around 30 left and he were like ‘omg he can ship this’... never the less, Carlo went onto ship it after some very dramatic hands!! VWP SIR! $26,500 must be niceeeee J
Final Day
We had only slept around 4 hours and were all goosed.. the reception rang the room about 10 times.. No one would get up to answer it lol.. Tom had reached the final table after some world class suck outs and had to be there for 2pm.. When we finally checked out we went for a full English breakfast which tom ended up paying for thanks to C.C. roulette lol. We headed to the Fox to watch the match and me and Luke ended up heading over to the Empire to make some money.
Final Day – Empire Casino
We walked in to see the 1-2 tables people sitting as deep as £2000 which was lit my eyes up!.. I took my seat next to Luke sitting on his left.

Kick off at the Empire
Luke found himself stuck a little and decided to straddle which made me UTG.. I looked down at AKd and pumped it up to £15.. 5 players flat which is pretty sick.. action comes to Luke who decides to squeeze and makes it £100.. I instant jam around £400.. whole table fold around to Luke who regrets his play and folds with £120 left behind. On the table there was a loud mouth Caribbean guy who suddenly kicks off saying me and Luke are cheating. Which obviously pisses me and Luke right off. The guy then calls the floor manager over and I’m now on the button and I look down and see AA and it gets folded round to Luke to makes it £15. I was about to go ahead and reraise when the BB asks Luke how much he’s playing.. I flat and turn away and start discussing the Squeeze hand. Button calls, SB (stack of £1200) flats, and BB reraises to £45, action back round to Luke who shoves £100.. I turn to dealer and say ‘WTF is going on here this guy is stopping me from playing!?!’.. dealer explains action and I throw in 4 ponies and again turn away to talk to floor manager.. button folds, SB calls, BB shoves but it’s an under shove which is sick for me as I wasn’t able to examine his stack before flatting the £100. Anyway 2 players all in pre, me and monster stack to flop. Flop comes with hearts and he checks, I look down A of H I shove he folds.. it holds and I Dyson the chips in.’

Back to Fox
As we headed back to the Fox, Tom shoved all in with 7 left and got called by a crazy Italian Guy Tom had KQh, Italian guy As 7h.. Flop comes Ks Qj Ts, turn spade, river spade.... (RIP Tom Fleischer) lol.

Lots of love, Any2!  

Monday 28 February 2011

The start of my journey begins..

OK so today I decided to go ahead and create my own Poker Blog... was going to create one for when I was heading out to Vegas but now that a little interesting twist in my career has happened I thought i'd create one now.

So last week I was lucky enough to find myself a sponsor.. clearly a wise man who understands my potential in the game ;)

Come this Friday, I will be playing my first tourney under sponsorship and I will be heading down to London early morning to meet up with two of my buddies, (Tom Fleischer aka station and Luke Brereton aka fish) for the FoxClub £325 main event... But first we need to sort a hotel/apartment out after the one we originally booked is not available anymore.. (slowrolled)!!..

On Friday, the tourney begins at 7pm, its a deepstack structure and lasts over 3 days so hopefully i'm still in London come Sunday and haven't returned home empty handed :) .. 1st place is roughly £30,000-£45,000 depending on the number of runners.. but any 5 figure sum sounds tasty to me.. So Come On ONE TIME!